calendar>>October 10. 2016 Juche 105
Public Presentation by Winners of Schoolchildren's Art Individual Contest Held
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- A public presentation by winners of the 11th schoolchildren's art individual contest took place at the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace on Monday, the 71st founding anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Put on the stage were duet "Thankful Party's Embrace," violin solo "March of Children's Union," male solo "My Pyongyang May Shine" and other colorful numbers.

The performers sang high praises of the undying feats the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il performed by developing the WPK into the mother party.

Folk solo "The Student Is Me," kayagum solo "I Am a Flower Bud" and other pieces vividly and artistically portrayed the bright picture of schoolchildren growing up to be able revolutionary talents who are knowledgeable, virtuous and healthy under the loving care and blessing by Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Dance "Member of Children's Corps Kum Sun," harmonica chorus "Playing of Revolutionary Army," accordion quartet "Song of Children's Partisan" and other pieces represented the will of the schoolchildren to be true children revolutionaries in the Songun era who devotedly defend the Party and ardently love the country like members of the Children's Corps during the anti-Japanese struggle and the Children's Vanguard and Children's Partisan in the Fatherland Liberation War.

Among the audience were Jon Yong Nam, first secretary of the Central Committee of the youth league, and its officials, officials concerned and school youth and children.

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