calendar>>October 12. 2016 Juche 105
Cuban Ambassador to DPRK Gives Reception
Pyongyang, October 12 (KCNA) -- Jesus De Los Angeles Aise Sotolongo, Cuban ambassador to the DPRK, hosted a reception at his Embassy on Wednesday on the occasion of the 71st founding anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

Present there on invitation were Ri Su Yong, member of the Political Bureau and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the WPK, and Ryu Myong Son, vice department director, and other officials of the C.C., the WPK.

The Cuban ambassador said that President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il performed immortal feats in accomplishing the cause of socialism, the revolutionary cause of Songun by wisely leading the WPK.

He said that the WPK has made great progress by directing all its energies to the efforts to attain the goals of the five-year strategy for national economic development set forth at the 7th Congress of the WPK.

He expressed the conviction that the WPK and the Korean people would achieve greater success in the building of economy and defence under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un loyal to the intention of the preceding leaders.

Ri Su Yong said that the Cuban people significantly celebrate the founding anniversary of the WPK together with the Korean people every year, clearly showing the close friendship between the two parties and the two peoples.

He said that Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK, is paying special attention to the development of the friendly and cooperative ties between the two countries provided by the great leaders together with the leaders of the Cuban revolution.

He pointed out that the party, the government and the people of Cuba have extended positive support to the WPK and the Korean people in their efforts to defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country and build a powerful socialist country.

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