calendar>>October 13. 2016 Juche 105
Letter to Kim Jong Un from Participants in Chongryon Educators Meeting
Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un received a letter from the participants in the educators meeting of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) on October 8 to mark the 70th anniversary of enforcement of the secondary education for Koreans in Japan.

The seven-decade long course of the secondary education for Koreans in Japan is the glorious history of cultivating a great flower garden for national education under the wise guidance and fatherly care of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un, the letter said.

It extended the humblest tribute to the Generalissimos who worked heart and soul for the development of national education of Chongryon till the last moments of their great lives, and the greatest honor and warmest thanks to Kim Jong Un who is leading Chongryon and its national education to victory and development.

It expressed the will to put the last spur to the 100-day campaign and achieve clear successes and steadily push forward the offensive for implementing the important letter of Kim Jong Un organizationally and massively.

It went on:

We will shatter the moves of reactionaries at home and abroad to suppress and obliterate national education with united strength and further strengthen and expand external support base of national education.

We will make tangible contributions to paving a wide avenue to national reunification, long-cherished desire of all Koreans, and make active contributions to building a socialist power in the motherland.

We will decorate this year in which the 70th anniversary of the secondary education falls as a year of historic advance fully demonstrating the might of Chongryon which has grown under the care of the great leaders all over the world and bring about a new turn in the national education work.

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