calendar>>October 13. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Reveals Ulterior Aim Sought by Traitor Park Geun Hye in Talking about "North's Provocation"
Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Whenever the DPRK took a self-defensive measure, traitor Park Geun Hye threw the south Korean society into extreme uneasiness, claiming that it is a "serious provocation" and a "grave threat" and that "the north is preparing a provocation" and "a provocation is expected" even at a time when nothing happened.

Rodong Sinmun Thursday in a commentator's article says that what she uttered is nothing but a clumsy farce to shift the blame for the provocations onto the DPRK and no more than what parroted her American master's words.

This is little short of praying for the permanent presence of the U.S. forces in south Korea and a mode of existence for those seeking a way out in escalating the confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north.

Her rhetoric is aimed at tiding over the worst ruling crisis sparked off by her unpopular rule, ignorance, incompetence and greed.

The fiction about "the north's provocation" floated by her is no longer a panacea and almighty shield for her.

Now is the time for Park to know what shame is like.

She should have been ashamed of the caricature of desperately crying out for confrontation, unaware of her naked body after discarding all kinds of veils "north's provocation," "nuclear threat of the north" and "security crisis."

She had better read a history book in Chongwadae to know how miserable the ends of her father and other provocateurs were instead of talking much about the "north's provocation" and "the nuclear threat from the north" like a mad woman.

Park should not forget that the DPRK keeps tabs on all provocative remarks made by Park, the unpardonable heinous traitor, and a final punishment is merciless.

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