calendar>>October 16. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Diagnoses S. Korean Foreign Minister's Illness as "Mad Condition"
Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Sunday in an article says that a confrontational maniac and strange bete noire is psychopath Yun Pyong Se, minister of Foreign Affairs of south Korea, just like Park Geun Hye who is notorious as a mad woman for escalating confrontation with compatriots in the north.

It goes on:

Yun Pyong Se and "mad condition" are synonyms.

The most typical condition of a disease of "mad condition" is an extreme confrontation with compatriots in the north.

He hurts the DPRK's legitimate nuclear weapons possession in his desperate efforts to foster international cooperation to stifle the DPRK.

The "mad condition" is also manifested in doing harm to the DPRK's dignity and social system while vociferating about the non-existent "human rights in the north".

Now that the U.S. and its followers' racket to put sanctions upon the DPRK proved ineffective and to be unable to prevent the DPRK from bolstering its nuclear force, traitor Yun has gotten frantic to tarnish the image of the DPRK through tricky "human rights" fabrication, while asserting that "the north's nuclear issue can not be dealt being separated from the issue of 'human rights in the north'" and "comprehensive approach is required in order to solve such a difficult problem as the north's nukes".

Another symptom of the "mad condition" is a reckless warlike act and deep-rooted sycophantic and treacherous act backed by the call for the "military counteraction" against the DPRK.

War outcries made by Yun as foreign minister only leave even the puppet military warmongers perplexed.

The "mad condition" is also expressed in blind servility to the Chongwadae witch.

The article calls for mercilessly burying Yun, confrontational maniac, traitor and bete noire together with Chongwadae witch.

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