calendar>>October 17. 2016 Juche 105
Papers Call for Accomplishing Revolutionary Cause of Juche Originated from DIU
Pyongyang, October 17 (KCNA) -- Papers Monday dedicate editorials to mark the 19th anniversary of the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU) formed by President Kim Il Sung.

That the President formed the DIU on Oct. 17, Juche 15 (1926) was an event of great significance in providing the roots of the glorious Workers' Party of Korea and Juche revolution, carving out the destiny of the Korean people and accomplishing the human cause of independence, the papers say.

The DIU serves as the roots of the WPK, origin of Songun, model of the unity and banner of victory of the revolution, says Rodong Sinmun.

It goes on:

The DIU ushered in a new era of history and independence in which the popular masses carry out the revolution of their own countries independently and creatively with a firm hold on their own destiny.

The DIU is the torchlight that indicated the road of Songun for advancing the revolution on the principle of prioritizing the army and giving precedence to the military affairs for the first time in history.

Nine decade-long history of the Korean revolution that started from the DIU marked the shining course in which epochal reforms were made by overcoming all kinds of difficulties by dint of the single-minded unity.

The DIU's idea of continuous revolution and indomitable fighting spirit are being successfully carried forward by Marshal Kim Jong Un's indomitable and offensive revolutionary idea, steadfast revolutionary faith, pluck and fighting spirit.

We will travel along one road forever under the leadership of the great leader. This is the spirit of the DIU and eternal signpost of the Korean revolution.

Minju Joson calls upon all Koreans to carry on dynamic struggle to accelerate the final victory of the Korean revolution and of Juche revolution that originated from the DIU, rallied close around Kim Jong Un.

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