calendar>>October 19. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Lambastes Japan for Trying to Fabricate "Resolution on Human Rights" against DPRK
Pyongyang, October 19 (KCNA) -- Japan is now busy with diplomacy for bringing together with EU the DPRK's non-existent "human rights issue" to the UN in a bid to fabricate a "resolution on human rights" against the DPRK.

Rodong Sinmun Wednesday says in a commentary in this regard:

Japan is becoming a target of derision in the world as it is going foolish in its moves to conceal its past crimes while persisting in its bid to bring the DPRK's "human rights issue" to the UN and internationalize it.

Japan is behaving as if it were "a human rights champion" though it has not yet properly washed its hands and face stained with the blood shed by the Korean people and other Asian people. This is just like an act of provoking a side-splitting laughter.

Japan's behavior reveals its cynical ploy to keep buried into oblivion forever the sexual slavery, the monstrous crime against humanity whose liquidation it has shunned for more than seven decades.

No matter what charades and rhetoric Japan may employ to justify and defend its horrible crimes, it cannot sweep under carpet the shuddering acts of alluring and kidnapping 200 000 Korean women and ruthlessly killing many of them.

What Japan is doing at present only discloses its crafty intention to make world attention focused on the DPRK and to conceal its unspeakable human rights abuses.

All its sorts of base and despicable artifices to cover up its past crimes at any cost are futile.

It should face up to the trend of the times, honestly reflect on its crimes and stop at once its disgusting behavior.

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