calendar>>October 19. 2016 Juche 105
Diverse Activities for Promotion of Children's Health in DPRK
Pyongyang, October 19 (KCNA) -- The Korean Association for Supporting the Children has conducted diverse activities to improve the health and nutritive conditions of children.

They include the technological exchange and cooperation in treating infants with congenital heart disease caused by blood circulation disorder with social organizations of other countries.

The Association worked hard to ensure the regular information activity on such subjects as "On vaccination for children" and "Diseases to be prevented through vaccination" in cooperation with the GAVI.

It also made great efforts to boost the capacity of the Songyo Children's Clinic run by itself and perfect the process of producing nutrients for children established across the country. And rooms for information about children's health were set up in various parts of the country, including Tongdaewon District of Pyongyang.

Kim Myong Chol, secretary of the Association, told KCNA that at present it gives a priority to conducting many-sided cooperation with international bodies and charitable organizations to improve the children's health and living conditions in the flood-hit northern part of the country.

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