calendar>>October 19. 2016 Juche 105
Meeting of Fourth Committee of 71st UN General Assembly Held
Pyongyang, October 19 (KCNA) -- The meeting of the Fourth Committee (special politics and non-colonization) of the 71st UN General Assembly was held at the UN Headquarters on Oct. 11 and 13.

There was a discussion on agenda item "International Cooperation in Peaceful Use of Space".

The DPRK delegate said that the DPRK's peaceful and legitimate satellite launch represents the exercise of legitimate independent right of a sovereign state recognized 100 % under the UN Charter and the Outer Space Treaty.

He stressed that the DPRK would in the future, too, further step up the space development for peaceful purposes and strengthen international cooperation and exchanges in the study of space science and in the field of satellite launch.

As the speech of the DPRK delegate was over, only the south Korean puppet delegate challenged it, reeling out such rhetoric that the DPRK's satellite launch was "ballistic rocket launch for mounting nuclear warhead", "it was a violation of the 'resolution' of the UN Security Council" and that "south Korea appealed a halt to having technical cooperation with north Korea".

The DPRK delegate, exercising the right to refute the claim, strongly denounced the UN Security Council's "resolution" as a wanton violation of the legitimate right of a sovereign state specified in the UN Charter and international law, and a product of the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK.

He disclosed the illegal nature of the moves of the U.S. and its followers to violate the legitimate independent right of a sovereign state, and once again clarified the strong stand of the DPRK to further demonstrate its dignity and might as a space power no matter what others may say.

At the meeting delegates of Iran, Ecuador and other developing countries asserted that the right to peaceful use of space and to develop it should be respected as it is an inalienable right belonging to all countries.

They called for boosting international cooperation, saying that the purpose of the peaceful use of space is to bring benefits to all countries through space development.

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