calendar>>October 21. 2016 Juche 105
S. Koreans' No-THAAD Actions Introduced by Chinese and Argentine Media
Pyongyang, October 21 (KCNA) -- Media of China and Argentina introduced the No-THAAD actions of south Koreans from Oct. 5 to 12.

The Chinese People's Daily noted:

Residents of Kimchon City and Songju County, North Kyongsang Province of south Korea, held a joint rally in protest against the regime's deployment of THAAD in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul on October 11.

More than 100 000 people have signed the "petition for retraction of THAAD deployment."

But the U.S. claims that it decided to deploy THAAD to cope with the "persistent provocation" by the DPRK.

South Korean demonstrators asserted that THAAD should never be deployed anywhere in south Korea as well as Songju County as they would get nothing favorable from the deployment.

Noting more than 1 000 citizens of Kimchon held a rally in Seoul on Oct. 5 demanding the regime halt THAAD deployment, the internet bulletin dealing with international affairs of the Communist Party of Argentina said:

The participants of the rally sent a protest letter reflecting the demand of the citizens in Kimchon City to Park Geun Hye.

But the south Korean authorities are pushing forward the belligerent plan under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK.

Experts commented that the THAAD deployment would upset the balance and undermine the interests among countries neighboring the Korean peninsula as it is one of the U.S. key strategies to dominate the Asia-Pacific region.

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