calendar>>October 24. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Accused of Working Hard to Stay in Power
Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet conservative group is becoming all the more undisguised in its moves to stay in power, which means the tightened bloody and fascist dictatorial rule and endless misfortune, pain and disaster of the south Korean people, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in an article.

The Park Geun Hye group's above-said moves can never be pardoned as they are an outrageous act of going against the aspiration and wishes of the south Korean people and the trend of the times, the article notes, and goes on:

The Park group is the remnants of the old era who inherited the crime-woven lineage of "yusin", reactionaries of history and the ferocious fascist junta keen to revive the bloody and dark era of "yusin" which trampled down the demand of the popular masses for independence and their democratic aspiration through brutal repressive rule.

The Park group is, at the same time, the one of the man-killers who turned south Korea into the worst tundra of human rights in the world and a veritable hell while enforcing an unpopular rule and committing scandals.

The waves of anti-"government" actions of the people from all walks of life are sweeping south Korea.

Much upset by this, the puppet conservative group is craftily scheming to appease and deceive the people in a bid to stay in power, while intensifying the fascist crackdown.

But the south Korean people will not be taken in again by the group of traitors. They voted for the witch of Chongwadae after being allured by the conservative group in the past "presidential election" but are now well aware of what disastrous consequences their choice entailed.

The puppet conservative group's ambition for staying in power is bound to go bust in the face of the concerted actions of the enraged people and it will be ousted from the arena of history without fail.

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