calendar>>October 24. 2016 Juche 105
Symposium on Work for Protecting Intangible Cultural Heritages Held
Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- A symposium on the work for protecting intangible cultural heritages took place at the Sci-Tech Complex Monday.

Present there were officials, teachers, researchers and working people in the field of education, science and protection of national heritages.

The speakers said that lots of natural heritages have been discovered and glorified as the treasures of the nation thanks to the noble patriotism of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and the wise guidance of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

They underlined the need to develop national music, dance and fine art, encourage the national sports and value our own things and positively preserve them, having the high pride and self-esteem that our socialist natural culture is the best.

They called for contributing to further glorifying the DPRK into the worldwide highly civilized nation and prospering country with the time-honored history and brilliant culture.

Diplomas were awarded to the nationally registered intangible cultural heritages at the symposium.

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