calendar>>October 25. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Regime Censured by S. Korean Paper
Pyongyang, October 25 (KCNA) -- The south Korean online paper Jaju Sibo in an article on Oct. 20 slammed the Park Geun Hye regime.

The article recalled that the Solidarity for Democracy, People's Life, Peaceful Reunification and Sovereignty recently published an appeal calling for overthrowing the Park regime which responded to the death of peasant Paek Nam Gi in a dictatorial manner, adding that the resentment of civic and public organizations and the people at the regime has gone beyond the danger line.

All people acknowledge that Paek Nam Gi was killed by water cannon but only the Park regime is misrepresenting the cause of his death, feigning ignorance of it, and trying to make an autopsy, the article deplored.

All people are branding this attitude of the regime as the height of unethical crimes and turning out in the actions for its resignation, the article noted, and went on:

Experts hold that south-north cooperation is the only way for weathering the present structural crisis, urging the regime to pay heed to their voices.

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