calendar>>October 25. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Slams Park Geun Hye Group's Smear Campaign against DPRK
Pyongyang, October 25 (KCNA) -- The Park Geun Hye group of traitors are getting ever more desperate in their smear campaign against the DPRK.

They openly reveal their wicked scenario for achieving "unification of social systems" aimed to bring down the ideology and social system in the DPRK by zealously joining the U.S. in its smear campaign against the former advancing under the unfurled banner of independence, Songun and socialism.

Almost every day traitor Park spouts a slew of such malignant invective as "suppression" and "awful reality," openly crying out for "ratcheting pressure" on the north over its "human rights" issue.

She allowed the setting up of the UN "office on human rights in north," a product of the U.S. plot-breeding racket against the DPRK, in Seoul. Not content with this, she railroaded through the "National Assembly" "the bill on human rights in the north," which had been on the shelf for more than a decade in the face of public protest.

The Park group held even an opening ceremony of the "Human Rights Archives" under the pretext of its full-scale enforcement.

This was another reckless move to tarnish the dignified image of the DPRK and realize the daydream of achieving "unification of social systems" by building up public opinion on the non-existent "human rights issue" and internationalizing it while escalating politico-military pressure upon it. It was, at the same time, a farce intended to cover up the miserable reality of south Korea, a veritable hell.

Park is working hard to incite extreme distrust and hostility towards the fellow countrymen in the north and break the revolutionary faith and single-minded unity of the service personnel and people of the DPRK through false propaganda. However, no one will lend an ear to the sheer lies told by the tight-cornered crazy old woman.

It is the reality of the DPRK in which independent rights of the popular masses are guaranteed at the highest level and their creative enthusiasm is given full play to rapidly develop the country.

The on-going rehabilitation drive in the northern part of the country is the campaign to protect the people there and serve them launched by the Workers' Party of Korea which considers the people-first principle as its life and soul.

Such total dedication to the people as the policy of prioritizing, respecting and loving the people is hard to find in any other country in the world.

Independent rights and dignity of the toiling masses are unthinkable in south Korea under the rule of Park Geun Hye as it has turned into a tundra of human rights.

As Park Geun Hye, the worst human rights abuser, remains the boss of Chongwadae, human rights abuses occur one after another in south Korea and south Korean people are seized with extreme uneasiness and horror owing to the hideous unethical crimes baffling human imagination.

The Park group's flurry of shameless invective is only inviting ridicule and condemnation at home and abroad.

Her group's smear campaign to justify the anachronistic policy of confrontation and realize the daydream of achieving "unification of social systems" is bound to finally go bust.

The service personnel and people of the DPRK will mercilessly annihilate the confrontation maniacs who dare challenge its dignity and social system.

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