calendar>>October 27. 2016 Juche 105
Evidence Proving Japan's Non-recognition of Tok Islets as Part of Its Territory in Past Opened to Public
Pyongyang, October 27 (KCNA) -- A professor at Dongguk University of south Korea made public evidence proving that Japan did not recognize Tok Islets as part of its territory in the past at a public presentation of the modern history society on Oct. 22, according to the south Korean KBS.

The evidence is a complete map of Japan published by the geological survey office of the then Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce of Japan and a map for secondary education textbook of Japan in 1888 and 1892.

There is no mountain-mark on Tok Islets and Ullung Island on the complete map of Japan.

Tok Islets are marked outside Japan's border line on the map of Asia carried in the textbook written by Yamagami who was a typical geologist of Japan and geography textbook write.

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