calendar>>October 28. 2016 Juche 105
Commentator of Rodong Sinmun Sheds Light on Truth behind U.S.-led Sanctions against DPRK
Pyongyang, October 28 (KCNA) -- Recently, the U.S. and the south Korean Park Geun Hye regime are busy claiming their base sanctions against the DPRK were for protecting global peace and stability. They went the lengths of misleading the public opinion at home and abroad by billing that the DPRK would never endure its sufferings this time.

Rodong Sinmun Friday carries a commentator's article laying bare the nature of their false propaganda.

Noting the persistent sanctions of the U.S. and the Park regime are a product of the U.S. inveterate hostile policy toward the DPRK, the article says:

The U.S. and the Park regime are asserting that their persistent sanctions are attributable to "provocations perpetrated by north Korea through nuclear tests" and its "human rights issue." But this is sheer sophism which will get them nowhere.

It is the keynote and goal of the policy being persistently pursued by the U.S. towards the DPRK to wipe it off the map by isolating it politically, suffocating it economically and pressurizing it by force of arms. The U.S. will remain unchanged in this policy.

Hence, the U.S. had blackmailed and pressurized the DPRK by leaving no means untried long before the latter had access to nukes. Moreover, after the end of the Cold War it adopted a policy of never co-existing with the DPRK unless the latter lowered the banner of socialism, and made no scruple of spouting abusive outpourings like "axis of evil" and "preemptive nuclear strike".

It is just the American-style sanctions, pressure and provocation invented for the mere reason that the DPRK's ideology and social system are different from the ones of the U.S. and the DPRK does not yield to the order of hegemony set by it. They will come to an end only when the latter dismantles its nukes and abandons the ideology and system chosen by itself and the nomenclature of the dignified DPRK disappears from the world map.

This is the main reason why the DPRK has branded the U.S. sanctions against it as unpardonable politically-motivated terrorism and taken a serious view of it and is resolutely standing against them with the toughest countermeasures.

The sanctions are a brigandish act of wantonly infringing upon the sovereignty and vital rights of the DPRK and a fabrication of the UN Security Council which has lost impartiality.

As for the nuclear tests, ballistic rocket test-fires and satellite launches being blamed by the U.S.-led hostile forces, member nations of the UNSC and other countries styling themselves developed ones have long conducted similar tests and launches one after another.

No article in the UN Charter and international law specifies that such acts should be termed "threat to peace" and be restricted.

Moreover, there is neither article nor provision that one country can receive treatment as a normal state if it accepts the American-style view on value guided by money-almighty logic and its requirements and if not, it should become a "target of sanctions for challenging global peace and security and committing human rights abuse."

The UNSC, shelving the heavy crimes committed by the U.S. and its vassal forces being censured by the public as chieftain of aggression and evils, cooked up a series of "sanctions resolutions" denying the DPRK's legitimate exercise of its sovereignty and threatening its right to existence.

It is, indeed, the height of double standards and the most unreasonable and unfair action.

The DPRK has neither recognized nor been bound to the UNSC's "sanctions resolutions" against it. This is because the fabrication of such "resolutions" is a vivid manifestation of the extremely abnormal and unreasonable nature of the U.S. and other hostile forces, not because the DPRK is "abnormal" as claimed by them.

The Don Quixote-style sanctions are nothing but a burlesque orchestrated by them out of their extreme ignorance of their rival and a reckless act of precipitating their self-destruction.

Gone are the days never to return when the U.S. could unilaterally slap sanctions and pose threat to the DPRK in league with its vassal forces by brandishing its nuclear club.

If the U.S. and the Park regime persist in the reckless sanctions, its terminal will be a war in which the U.S. and the puppet regime will be wiped off the surface of the earth.

If they continue resorting to the suicidal sanctions against the DPRK, swimming against the trend of the times, they will meet their final doom with their lands reduced to ashes.

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