calendar>>October 28. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Assails Park Geun Hye Group's "Row about Followers of North"
Pyongyang, October 28 (KCNA) -- The Park Geun Hye group is busy kicking up the "row about followers of the north" in a bid to prolong their remaining days.

These days the "Saenuri Party" and other puppet conservative forces are getting frantic in suppressing opposition party, claiming it was disclosed that Mun Jae In, who had been the "presidential" chief of staff during the Roh Moo Hyun regime, and others abstained from voting for the adoption of the "resolution on human rights in the north" at the UN "in collusion with the north" in November 2007.

Producing a book allegedly authored by the former minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the conservative forces deliberately linked an opposition party with the north and kicked off the "row about followers of the north". The true nature of the row became clear from the beginning.

This is nothing but a third-rate farce of the Park group at the jaw of death to tide over the serious ruling crisis by diverting elsewhere the attention of the angry people.

It is the customary method of the successive puppet ruling quarters to seek a way out in cooking up anti-north conspiratorial cases whenever they were facing a crisis.

Typical of them were the Progressive Party case fabricated by traitor Syngman Rhee, the People's Revolutionary Party case cooked up by traitor Park Chung Hee, Kwangju massacre perpetrated by Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo military junta, the Wangjaesan incident orchestrated by Lee Myung Bak.

Park Geun Hye seized power through such plots and intrigues.

It was brought to light that the conservative group kicked off the "row about followers of the north" by unhesitatingly cooking up the north-south summit minutes in an effort to turn in their favor the situation before the election which had become unfavorable due to the case of the Chung-Soo Society with the approach of the "presidential" election in 2012.

Since the seizure of power the conservative forces have quelled the discontent and resistance of south Koreans from all walks of life by using the story of "followers of the north" as cure-all. They cracked down upon legitimate political parties, organizations, lawmakers, religionists, ordinary people and housewives by branding them as "followers of the north" if they courted their displeasure.

The recent case was another despicable farce orchestrated by the conservative forces to weather their crisis.

The puppet conservative forces are, indeed, snobs and shameless political charlatans who do not hesitate to do anything mean and absurd to grab dictatorial power.

The "Saenuri Party" and other puppet conservative forces forsaken by the people are sadly mistaken if they calculate that they can get something through the above-said row.

Their hysteric row would only show the miserable plight of Park Geun Hye and other politicians stuck in the abyss of ruin.

Their row set the stage for deepening the political chaos in south Korea and made all south Koreans shake with towering resentment at Park Geun Hye and the "Saenuri Party".

All south Koreans irrespective of political affiliation, political view, sex, religion, age and residence unanimously demand impeachment of Park. "Park Geun Hye's impeachment" and "resignation" are the first words that appear on the internet and the public comments that Park Geun Hye stands at the crossroads of whether she steps down herself or dethroned through resistance.

It is too late for the wicked group of traitors to tide over their crisis.

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