calendar>>October 31. 2016 Juche 105
Ri Su Yong Meets Foreign Political Party Figures
Pyongyang, October 31 (KCNA) -- Ri Su Yong, member of the Political Bureau and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), separately met and had talks with the general secretary of the Communist Party of Canada, the secretary in charge of international affairs of the Communist Party of Turkey, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, the secretary in charge of international relations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of South Africa, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Jordan, the director of the External Relations Department of the Communist Party of Iraq, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Israel, the international secretary of the Communist Party of Norway and a member of the International Secretariat of the Communist Party of the People of Spain. Ri is heading a delegation of the WPK to the 18th international meeting of communist parties and workers' parties he

ld in Vietnam.

At the talks Ri expressed thanks to foreign political parties for extending full support and encouragement to the just struggle of the WPK and the Korean people vigorously advancing while frustrating the U.S. imperialists' moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and stressed the need to further develop the friendly and cooperative relations.

Foreign political party figures expressed their admiration at the WPK and the Korean people making shining successes startling the world in the struggle for defending socialism and building a powerful country while overcoming all hardships and difficulties of the history.

They expressed the will to extend firm support and solidarity to the just cause of the WPK and the Korean people in the future, too, and the steadfast stand to invariably develop the friendly and cooperative relations with the WPK.

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