calendar>>November 1. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Praises Feats Kim Jong Il Performed in Leading Socialist Cause to Victory
Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an editorial praises leader Kim Jong Il as an outstanding leader and peerless political elder who led the socialist cause of Juche to victory.

His history of revolutionary leadership is shining as the sacred one in which he wisely led the Korean revolution with intense loyalty, faith in sure victory and iron will to accomplish the socialist cause, it says, adding:

He conducted energetic ideological and theoretical activities to glorify the socialist ideology and theory as a scientific and revolutionary banner of victory in which the people-first doctrine is thoroughly embodied.

Thanks to him, ideas and theories including the Juche-oriented viewpoint on the position and role of human beings and the socio-historical principle centred on the popular masses were newly formulated and Korean-style socialism could demonstrate its might as invincible socialism based on the popular masses.

When the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces were directing the spearhead of attack to the DPRK, he steered the Korean revolution on the forefront of defending socialism under the uplifted banner of Songun.

Thanks to the right course of charge and that of devoted service indicated by Kim Jong Il through endless journeys made to forefront posts for defending the country, the Korean People's Army could grow to be a matchless army and our national defense industry develop into a self-reliant defense industry capable of successfully producing any latest military hardware it desired and the country turned into an invulnerable fortress which no imperialist force dared attack.

He visited at least 14 290 units across the country all his life for building a powerful socialist country, making forced marches by covering 669 844 km, the distance equivalent to going round the earth nearly 17 times.

Under his unremitting and energetic leadership, the road of advance for prosperity was ushered in on the land of the country and the Korean people enjoyed all sorts of honor that they could not do in the national history spanning thousands of years.

He perfectly solved the issue of succession to the leadership, the fundamental issue of accomplishing the socialist cause. This was the greatest feat he performed before the country and the nation, the era and the history.

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