calendar>>November 2. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of Kwangju Student Incident in Korea
Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- It has been 87 years since the Kwangju Student Incident took place in Korea to be recorded in the history of Korean people's struggle for the nation's dignity.

The incident was triggered on October 30, 1929 when Japanese students molested and insulted Korean girl students on a Kwangju-Raju train in Korea. Enraged at such rude action, Korean students gave a severe punishment to those arrogant Japanese students.

But the Japanese police committed outrages on Korean students and detained them. Under the patronage of the Japanese police, hundreds of Japanese teachers and students attacked Korean students at Kwangju Railway Station again, with different lethal weapons.

Such violent action gave vent to the pent-up wrath of all Korean students in Kwangju. They stayed away from classes all at once on Nov. 3 and staged an anti-Japanese demonstration, chanting such slogans as "Down with Japanese imperialism!" and "Abrogate the colonial slave education system!" They bravely fought against the Japanese imperialist army and police hell-bent on the suppression.

The embarrassed Japanese imperialists imposed a martial law on Kwangju area, repressing the demonstrators at random.

But the struggle rapidly spilled over into all parts of Korea from December.

According to rough data announced by the Japanese imperialists, more than 60,000 students from 194 schools across Korea and other people of different strata took part in the anti-Japanese action from November 1929 to April of the next year.

The Japanese imperialists threw a police cordon throughout Korea and mobilized military troops of two regiments as well as policemen to put down the struggle.

The Korean people will surely get an apology and compensation from Japan for its past crimes committed during the colonial rule over their country.

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