calendar>>November 2. 2016 Juche 105
FM Spokesman Slams Anti-DPRK Remarks of U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK Wednesday gave the following answer to the question raised by KCNA with regard to the reckless remarks made by Blinken, U.S. deputy secretary of State, pulling up the DPRK over its measures for bolstering nuclear deterrence for self-defence:

On Oct. 28 during his junket to south Korea he spouted a string of invective hurting the dignified DPRK government over its legitimate nuclear and missile launch tests.

His provocative remarks are nothing but the last shrill cries made by the Obama group, frightened by the victorious advance of the DPRK's line of simultaneously developing the two fronts.

What he uttered is no more than lamentation of the Obama group now facing the fate of a sinking boat. It sounds like a disgusting excuse for evading the responsibility for pushing the DPRK to nuclear weaponization and driving the situation on the Korean peninsula into an uncontrollable phase.

It is a tragic comedy for the Obama group to talk about "denuclearization", still failing to come to its senses.

No matter how malignantly the Obama group may slander the DPRK, it will make a more dynamic and steady advance along the road already chosen by itself.

The Obama group had better stop interfering in other's affairs and mind its own business at the end of its office.

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