calendar>>November 3. 2016 Juche 105
North-South Joint Event Held in Harbin, China
Pyongyang, November 3 (KCNA) -- The Catholic Association of Korea and the Society for Commemorating Martyr An Jung Gun of south Korea held an anti-Japanese joint event in Harbin, China from Oct. 25 to 27 on the occasion of the 107th anniversary of martyr An Jung Gun's assassination of Hirobumi Ito, the chieftain of the Japanese imperialists' aggression of Korea.

At the joint event, both sides said that An Jung Gun's assassination of Hirobumi Ito was a patriotic deed that demonstrated to the world the Korean people's will not to live as colonial slaves of outside forces, denounced Japan for bringing unspeakable misfortune and pain to the Korean nation and decided to carry on the joint struggle to force Japan to make an apology and reparation for its past crimes and frustrate the moves to distort history and launch reinvasion.

They decided to pool efforts and wage a positive struggle to reject the anti-reunification forces' confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north and war moves blocking the nation's reconciliation and unity, peace and reunification, improve the north-south relations and achieve the country's reunification under the banner of the national independence and the great national unity.

In particular, they decided to firmly preserve the north-south joint declarations in the drive to achieve peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula and develop the north-south relations, and make joint efforts for successfully holding the great meeting for reunification with the people from all walks of life in the north, the south and abroad involved as an immediate task.

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