calendar>>November 8. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Blasts U.S. Attempt to Create NATO of Asian Version
Pyongyang, November 8 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is now working in real earnest to expand its military bloc for carrying out its strategy for world domination.

The U.S. deputy secretary of Defense and the Japanese deputy minister of Defence for administrative affairs were recently closeted in Washington over the joint actions to be taken to cope with what they called "potential threat." Against this backdrop the U.S. is massively beefing up its forces in south Korea and its vicinity.

The U.S. has already begun deploying 3 500-strong 1st armored combat brigade in south Korea on a rotation basis and informed the Japanese authorities of its plan for deploying 16 F-35 stealth fighters in a base of the U.S. Marines in Japan from next year.

It also announced that it would deploy in Japan, etc. the U.S. forces' biggest new type Zumwalt class destroyer and Wasp class large amphibious craft carrying new type fighters and the expeditionary force of the 31st Marines of the U.S. imperialists to be hurled before any other force in contingency on the Korean peninsula.

This is part of the dangerous scenario to form the U.S.-led NATO of Asian version led by the U.S.

The above-said strategy is aimed at maintaining the Cold War structure to contain big powers in the region by relying on the "security" alliance involving Japan, south Korea, etc.

The U.S. has used the system of the US-Japan-south Korea military alliance as a strategic lever for increasing its influence over Northeast Asia and containing the DPRK, China and Russia.

The alliance is designed to pressurize the Asian region by tightening its aggressive nexus through the speedy movement of its forces stationed in the region.

The U.S. is mulling making the alliance perform the same function as that of NATO in a bid to use it as a means for carrying out the strategy for dominating the Asia-Pacific region including Northeast Asia.

The U.S. has used such alliance as a shock brigade for carrying out its Asia-Pacific strategy, describing it as "cornerstone" and "key axis" for implementing the strategy, whenever an opportunity presented itself.

At present, the tripartite military "cooperation" is being further tightened according to the second-phase process of "Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy."

There took place in the U.S. on Oct. 14 a meeting of the chairmen of chiefs of joint staff of the U.S., Japanese and south Korean forces at which they committed themselves to providing "extended deterrence" by involving forces of all services and arms including conventional and nuclear and missile capabilities.

The U.S. staged a missile warning drill in the waters off Hawaii together with Japan and south Korean puppet forces for the first time in history. Recently they carried out a joint naval maneuver in the high seas east of Jeju Island.

The moves to knock into shape NATO of Asian version with the above-said triangular alliance as its parent body are becoming a reality. This is spurring a new arms race in Northeast Asia including the Korean peninsula.

It is crystal clear that the creation of a new military bloc by the U.S. in Northeast Asia would reduce the whole of Asia into a theatre of military confrontation.

The reality clearly proves once again that it is the U.S. and its strategy for military domination that pose a threat to the peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

A military bloc is a product of the Cold War.

The creation of a new military bloc diametrically runs counter to the trend of the times.

The U.S. moves to maintain a new Cold War structure and create NATO of Asian version in Northeast Asia will inevitably spark off strong opposition of the neighboring countries.

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