calendar>>November 9. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary on U.S. Failed Policy towards DPRK
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Recently the director of National Intelligence conceded that the sanctions slapped by the Obama administration against the DPRK proved unworkable and it is impossible to force it to dismantle its nukes.

His assertion is given wide publicity because it disclosed the absurdity of the policy of sanctions and pressure persistently pursued by the successive administrations of the U.S. including the Obama administration against the DPRK for decades and admitted its failure.

The U.S. and other western media reported his comment as "realistic", "positive" and "honest".

The U.S. has resorted to nuclear blackmail and political and military provocation and left no means untried in its unheard-of campaign for harsh sanctions and pressure for the past several decades to bring down the DPRK advancing along the road of independence, Songun and socialism.

They have reached an extreme phase since Obama came to power.

But his policy of "strategic patience" has suffered a "strategic setback."

The above-said campaign desperately conducted by the U.S. and its vassal forces steadily pushed the DPRK to bolstering up its nuclear attack capability, far from "inducing" it to "scrap its nukes." On the contrary it emboldened Pyongyang to make a leap forward in the spirit of self-reliance and self-development, instead of causing its social system to "collapse" or meet "self-ruin".

The strategic position of the DPRK which has undergone a dramatic change and all assets gained by it irrefutably prove that the American-style logic of strength and the jungle law never work on it.

It is quite natural that the U.S. policy towards the DPRK and its scenario to stifle it are bound to prove unjustifiable and go bust.

That is why major world media strongly urge the U.S. to make a policy switchover, quoting some of their comments that the Obama administration's policy toward the DPRK has failed, the U.S. should officially recognize north Korea as a de facto nuclear weapons state and follow the same policy towards it as those policies pursued towards other nuclear weapons states and it will be only the U.S. which will bump against the wall unless it makes a policy switchover as regards the nuclear issue of Korea, regardless of who wins the presidential election.

It is necessary for the U.S. to lend its ear to the public opinion growing strong even among the ruling quarters and think about it with reason.

It is high time it made up its mind how to deal with the nuclear power in the East.

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