calendar>>November 10. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Dynamically Advancing for Final Victory with Firm Faith in Socialism
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Thursday editorially calls for dynamically advancing toward the final victory with firm faith in socialism.

The revolutionary traits of the Korean people who are making a long journey of the revolution with transparent faith in socialism have been fully displayed this significant year in which the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea was held, the editorial notes, and goes on:

The long history of the Korean revolution is the one in which it victoriously explored the socialist cause of Juche and has advanced it by dint of faith despite manifold difficulties.

The new century of Juche represents a period in which the issue of faith in socialism is raised as a top priority issue on which hinge the rise and fall of the revolution, and in which the revolutionary faith is regarded as dearer than anything else.

The anti-Japanese guerilla forces fought with faith in sure victory despite the encirclement of the enemies in the past and all the service personnel and people ushered in the new era of prosperity despite unprecedented sanctions and pressure of the imperialist reactionaries. When we wage a courageous struggle with firm faith in justice of Korean-style socialism and sure victory just as they did, we can usher in the golden age of the revolution and build the best and powerful country, the paradise for the people.

For the Korean people the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un precisely means the socialist homeland and his leadership the victory of Korean-style socialism.

A revolutionary soldier's transparent faith in socialism finds a vivid manifestation in remaining true to Kim Jong Un's ideology and leadership no matter which way the wind may blow and even at the risk of one's own life, entrusting one's destiny entirely to him.

When all service personnel and people bring about epochal changes by displaying matchless self-sacrificing spirit and popular heroism in all construction sites for putting into practice the plan and determination of the Party, the hurrah for the Workers' Party and socialism will resound far and wide.

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