calendar>>November 10. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Sanctions against DPRK Bound to Go Bankrupt: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, recently confessed that the Obama administration's sanctions against the DPRK have proved ineffective and it is absolutely impossible to force the DPRK to dismantle its nukes, sparking off huge furor in the American political circle and the Western world.

Addressing a seminar sponsored by the Council of Foreign Relations, a think-tank headquartered in Washington, he had the trouble of admitting that the denuclearization of Korea has already lost its meaning, stressing that the U.S. and its allies in Asia would soon witness the DPRK's missiles tipped with nuclear warheads targeting them. He even added such advice that the next U.S. administration will have to make a very difficult decision during the early period of its term in order to prevent such dangerous situation.

Rodong Sinmun Thursday comments that Clapper's remarks about "impossibility of making the DPRK give up its nuclear program" sound true and realistic.

No matter how desperately the U.S. ruling forces and tricksters rack their brains to achieve their objective, they can hardly seek any effective means for making the DPRK give up its nukes.

The awkward position of the U.S. ruling quarters who have worked hard to stifle the DPRK through sanctions since the outset of the 21st century clearly proved how futile the sanctions are.

It has been a tradition that the successive U.S. presidents starting from Truman were compelled to leave office with gloomy faces after bringing a heavier burden of executing hostile policy toward the DPRK to their successors than what they had shouldered. The snowballing burden caused the successor to take greater pain as it is directly related to the rise or fall of the U.S.

Clapper made a serious advice in the transition period of the U.S. administration.

It was a daydream of the U.S. in the past to force the DPRK to dismantle its nukes and the latter's access to nuclear weapons and its steady bolstering of nuclear force are stark realities today. It is a Don Quixote way of thinking to reverse the history of the DPRK which emerged as a nuclear power from a non-nuclear state.

Only victory and glory are always in store for the DPRK fully demonstrating the dignity and might of a nuclear power under the uplifted banner of self-development-first principle.

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