calendar>>November 10. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Bodies Denounce Deceptive "Childcare Policy"
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- According to the south Korean internet paper Voice of People, the Women's Solidarity of south Korea and the Pusan Parents' Solidarity for Genuine Childcare on Nov. 8 held a press conference in Seoul to denounce the deceptive "childcare policy" of the Park Geun Hye regime.

The organizations branded the Park Geun Hye regime as incompetent one as it has not established childcare facilities nor guaranteed maternity leaves in the face of the lowest birth rate in south Korea.

They urged Park to step down, saying that her regime is incompetent and has no qualifications to administrate state affairs.

They expressed the will to carry on actions till Park Geun Hye steps down as she deceived and flouted the people.

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