calendar>>November 11. 2016 Juche 105
Principle of Independence against Imperialism and Principle of Socialism Are Guaranteed by Arms: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, November 11 (KCNA) -- The principle of independence against imperialism and the principle of socialism are guaranteed by strong arms, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article.

The imperialists facing ruin are resorting to high-handed and arbitrary practices in all parts of the world to destroy the cause of human independence and the socialist cause, the article notes, and goes on:

But the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government are now dynamically advancing the revolution along the road of victory despite any storm and stress while firmly maintaining the principle of independence against imperialism and the principle of socialism under the grim situation.

The Korean people have ruthlessly shattered the ever-increasing nuclear threat and blackmail and aggression moves by the imperialists and their followers by dint of the powerful military muscle.

The disaster of war is unceasing in different parts of the world and the people of various countries are groping for a way of living. But there has been no gun report in the DPRK for decades and the Korean people are enjoying a peaceful and stable life without a war though their life is not abundant. This is entirely the fruition of the Songun politics.

As the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government have consistently adhered to the principle of independence against imperialism and the principle of socialism, the DPRK, a country of small territory and population, could strengthen the political and military might in every way and honorably defend global peace and security by resolutely shattering the unprecedented moves of the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces to invade and stifle it.

History has made not a few records about the tragic destiny met by countries and nations which failed to build their strength, obsessed with disillusion about imperialism, only to regret later after being reduced to colonial slaves.

The DPRK enjoys high prestige in the international arena as the bulwark of socialism, fortress of independence against imperialism and the mouthpiece of justice and truth because it has constantly and firmly adhered to the principle of independence against imperialism and the principle of socialism.

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