calendar>>November 11. 2016 Juche 105
Organized Actions Staged in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 11 (KCNA) -- Organized actions urging Park Geun Hye to step down from office are being staged in different parts of south Korea on the eve of the people's all-out action scheduled on Nov. 12, according to reports.

More than 60 trade unions organizations of part-time workers launched campaigns of making public the declaration on the situation in Seoul on Nov. 8 demanding the Park Geun Hye regime step down and the bill on labor reform abolished.

Professors in Ryongnam University and Seoul Municipal University urged Park Geun Hye to step down and demanded the reshuffle of the cabinet.

13 civic and public organizations, officials concerned of political parties in Kangrung, south Kangwon Province and organizations of different social standings unanimously cried out for the step-down of the Park regime through the campaigns of making public declarations on the situation.

144 dancers' organizations across south Korea called for bringing down Park Geun Hye and probing the truth behind the scandal of the administration monopolization through the declaration on the situation.

On Nov. 9, the committee for the promotion of the young people's all-out action issued a declaration on the situation in Seoul demanding Park Geun Hye step down.

27 students' organizations of departments and postgraduate course of Sogang University in the declaration on the situation urged the university to strip Park of the honorary doctorate degree at once.

The Peace and Justice Commission of the Catholic Suwon Parish in a statement on the situation said that the only way out for the "president" to make a sincere apology to the people is to step down from office at once and to face punishment.

Voices for the step-down of Park Geun Hye from office are also being heard at city offices of Pusan and Inchon, the education office in Taegu City, the North and South Chungchong Provincial offices and administration organs.

Small and medium-sized merchants launched protest actions in different parts of south Korea in denunciation of the puppet authorities.

On the evening of Nov. 9, more than 10,000 citizens held a candlelight rally in the area of Kwanghwamun in Seoul and held demonstration march through Jongro and Uljiro.

Employees of the public transport trade union under the Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting for general strike in Kwanghwamun and joined the citizens in the candlelight action.

On Nov. 9, more than 1,500 civic and public organizations of south Korea including the 2016 Headquarters for People's All-out Action and the Solidarity Council of Civic and Public Organizations held a press conference and declared that the people's emergency action to bring down Park Geun Hye from office was formed.

The Inchon Citizens Emergency Action is working hard to form the large march group to take part in the all-people meeting due in Seoul on Nov. 12.

The Kimpho joint conference of civic and public organizations said it would conduct a candlelight rally and demonstration in streets, timed to coincide with the all-people meeting in Seoul.

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