calendar>>November 11. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Assails U.S. Moves to Step up Deployment of THAAD in South Korea
Pyongyang, November 11 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is putting spurs to the moves for deploying THAAD despite the scandal-ridden political climate in south Korea.

Against the backdrop of the ceaseless disclosure of evidence of the scandal called "Choe Sun Sil Gate" that has driven traitor Park Geun Hye to a pretty fix, high-ranking officials of the U.S. Departments of State and Defense are noisily trumpeting about the projected THAAD deployment in south Korea.

The U.S. assistant secretary of State for East Asia-Pacific affairs was reported to have said at a press interview in Washington on Nov. 3 that "U.S.-south Korea alliance would remain strong as has been for 60 odd years despite any political climate in Seoul" and "there would be no change in the major priority tasks of the alliance including the projected deployment of THAAD."

The commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea reaffirmed at a lecture in Seoul on Nov. 4 the earlier deployment of THAAD though it had been scheduled for late 2017, asserting "the U.S. is strongly willing to push ahead with the deployment of THAAD in south Korea and it is expected to be deployed in 8 to 10 months to come." He openly blustered the scale of THAAD to be deployed in south Korea would be bigger than the one on Guam.

This reveals the greedy nature of the Yankee "gentlemen" persistently seeking their strategic interests only even at a time when their hand-raised Park's regime is on the verge of collapse.

For the U.S., traitor Park is no more than a dog-like colonial slave fawning upon her master to prolong her remaining days.

The U.S., being indifferent to the plight of Park who is more dead than alive after being forsaken by the people and to the chaos of the south Korean society, seeks to deploy THAAD earlier at any cost by pressurizing her regime and thus turn south Korea into a hotbed of nuclear war.

THAAD deployment is part of the foolhardy arms buildup of the U.S. to secure absolute military edge over major big powers.

The U.S. concedes that it cannot hold political and military hegemony in the region unless it sets up a perfect MD system and modernizes its forces to be strong enough to neutralize the attack capability of the rapidly developing regional powers.

The projected THAAD deployment is a risky move to invite a new Cold War in Asia-Pacific as it will upset the strategic balance in the region, directly containing China and Russia by force of arms.

An arms race and a new Cold War are looming in Asia-Pacific with the projected THAAD deployment as a momentum.

That's why the countries around the Korean peninsula are exerting efforts to bolster their military capability to cope with the deployment of THAAD, keeping high vigilance against it with growing concern.

No wonder, China and Russia have opted for an all-out offensive to halt the deployment, contending that THAAD would seriously upset the strategic equilibrium in the region and disturb their strategic security and interests.

U.S. politicians had better drop their anachronistic wild ambition for dominating the world, though belatedly, if they are far-sighted.

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