calendar>>November 12. 2016 Juche 105
Actions for Resignation of Park Geun Hye Regime Called for
Pyongyang, November 12 (KCNA) -- The People's Emergency Action to Force the Park Geun Hye Regime to Step down grouping more than 1 550 organizations including the 2016 Headquarters for People's All-out Action made public an inaugural declaration on November 9, according to the south Korean internet paper Jaju Sibo.

The organization in the declaration called upon all the people to turn out in the struggle to force the Park Geun Hye regime to step down.

The declaration went on:

The "president" should immediately step down together with those ministers she appointed.

Let us meet on November 12, let one million people turn out in all-people action!

Let us force the Park Geun Hye regime to step down by the force of the people!

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