calendar>>November 14. 2016 Juche 105
Ugandan Figure Releases Travelogue on DPRK
Pyongyang, November 14 (KCNA) -- Mayambala Lawrence, chairman of the Ugandan National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, recently released a travelogue on the DPRK.

In the travelogue he wrote he was surprised to see the beautiful, clean and pulsating capital city of Pyongyang with modern facilities quite contrary to the false propaganda made by Western media.

He went on:

The Korean people are ardent patriots. They consider the interests of the state as the top priority of all activities.

The Korean people are full of confidence in the future and hope. Their hospitality was excellent, indeed. Everybody greeted foreign guests with smile and respect.

The Korean people have excellent culture. The theatres present fantastic scenery. There I enjoyed wonderful performances of educational significance depicting ardent patriotism.

I don't understand those trying to bring pain to the Korean people.

My visit to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum helped me understand why the DPRK had access to nuclear weapons.

One should know the past if one wants to know the present. What happened in Korea in the past may reoccur. However, the Korean people are ready to stand up against any economic blockade.

The DPRK conducted nuclear warhead explosion test recently.

The Korean people are dynamically advancing, united close around the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.

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