calendar>>November 15. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Urged to Step Down At Once
Pyongyang, November 15 (KCNA) -- The south Korean internet paper Voice of People on Nov. 13 in an editorial demanded Park Geun Hye step down at once.

It said that on November 12 one million people met in Seoul after nearly 30 years since the resistance for democracy in December of 1987.

On November 13 a spokesman for Chongwadae hinted that Park Geun Hye has no intention to step down, saying "she is racking her brain to normalize the state affairs and the representative of the "Saenuri Party" rejected the immediate resignation and disbandment of the upper echelon of the party, the editorial said, and went on:

The Nov. 12 rally showed that the people no longer recognize Park Geun Hye, the chief culprit of the criminal acts such as the monopolization of "state affairs", breach of "constitution" and encroachment upon the people's sovereignty, as "president".

The normalization of "state affairs" is premised on the immediate resignation of Park.

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