calendar>>November 17. 2016 Juche 105
KFA International Meeting Held
Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- An international meeting for successfully holding the 2017 Meeting Praising the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu took place in Dublin, Ireland on Nov. 5.

Present there were delegates of branches of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) in Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Italy, Spain, U.S. and other countries.

The delegate of the Irish branch of the KFA made a report and congratulatory letters sent by Alejandro Cao de Benos, chairman of the KFA headquartered in Spain, and the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries to the meeting were read out.

A director of the board of the KFA and delegates of its branches made speeches.

The speakers stressed that the year 2017 will mark the 105th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, the 75th birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il, the 5th anniversary of Marshal Kim Jong Un's election to the top posts of the party and state and the 100th birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk, praising the undying exploits performed by the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu for the prosperity of the country, happiness of its people and carrying out the cause of global independence.

A statement supporting the appeal made by the international preparatory committee for the 2017 Meeting Praising the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu was published.

Noting the eternal footprints of the great persons of Mt. Paektu will be the path to follow by the Korean people and all the world's progressive people, it called on all friends of the DPR of Korea to show their administration and actively participate in the events that will unfold in Juche 106.

A letter to Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting.

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