calendar>>November 17. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Permanent Mission to UN Issues Press Statement
Pyongyang, November 17 (KCNA) -- The Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to the United Nations issued the following press statement with regard to the forced adoption of the "draft resolution" A/C.3/71/L.23 on the human rights situation in the DPRK submitted by the European Union (EU) and Japan at the Third Committee of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly on 15 November 2016:

The "resolution" has nothing to do with promotion and protection of genuine human rights as it is a product of plot and conspiracy proceeded from the political purpose of the United States and other hostile forces to stifle the DPRK by politicizing and maximizing the fictitious "human right issue."

The "resolution" even touched on non-existing issue of the so-called "exploitation" and "forced labour" of our workers sent abroad and "nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles" that have no relevance to human rights. As such, it is quite clear to everyone that it pursues political purpose to isolate and stifle the DPRK, in conjunction with the anti-DPRK sanction racket by the United States.

The United States has persistently pursued the hostile policy against the DPRK for over half a century since its inception in order to bring about collapse of its state and social system by mobilizing all ways and means.

The United States has maneuvered so far to pressurize the DPRK with the nuclear and "human rights" issues in parallel.

However, the United States, realizing that they could not succeed in by the nuclear issue, is now trying to eliminate the DPRK under the disguise of the "human right issue."

Today, the United States continuously introduces into the Korean peninsula a large amount of its strategic nuclear assets and stages various kinds of aggressive joint military exercises with south Korea. It openly wages even the drills aimed at "decapitation" of the leadership of the DPRK and "occupation of Pyongyang."

Joining in such maneuvers of the United States, the EU and Japan tabled the anti-DPRK "draft resolution" at the Third Committee again this year.

This "resolution" which pursues ill-minded political purpose from A to Z just repeated in detail the contents of the "report of COI" running through with all lies, fabrications, plots and frauds and, thus, it is a document which carries no impartiality and credibility at all.

It is the consistent policy of the Government of the DPRK to continuously protect and promote the human rights of the popular masses with full responsibility.

The Government of the DPRK, despite persistent sanctions and pressure by the United States and other hostile forces, is concentrating all its efforts on improving the livelihood of the people and securing better future for them.

It is the stark reality of the DPRK that such superior measures for popular masses as universal free medical care, free education, free housing and equality between men and women continue to take effect and that all people fully exercise and enjoy their human rights in all sectors of their social life.

The people in the DPRK take immense pride in the socialist system of the country which was chosen, consolidated and further developed by their own will as well as in the genuine system of ensuring human rights which capitalism can neither achieve nor imitate at all.

Before criticizing the human rights issues of other countries, the EU and Japan should look into their own grave human rights violations as well as those of their allies, reflect upon their crimes against humanity including the worst-ever refugee crisis, and take appropriate measures to address them. In particular, Japan should take measures to apologize and compensate for such extra-large crimes against humanity it had committed in the past towards the Korean people and many other nations of the world as abduction and forcible drafting of 8.4 million Koreans, massacre of 1 million of them and imposition of sexual slavery on 200 000 women and girls.

All this clearly proves that the hostile forces are leaving no stone unturned to mislead the world and pursuing ill-minded political objectives to eliminate the socialist system of the DPRK which is a genuine living cradle for the people.

The DPRK hopes for sincere dialogue and cooperation in the international human rights field. However, it will take all appropriate measures vis-a-vis the hostile acts against the DPRK that become increasingly aggressive under the pretext of "human rights."

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