calendar>>November 18. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams Hideous Power-backed Scandal as Product of Park Geun Hye's Treacherous Politics
Pyongyang, November 18 (KCNA) -- The "Park Geun Hye, Choe Sun Sil scandal", the most hideous scandal in the history of south Korea, is throwing the whole society into an uncontrollable political chaos.

Rodong Sinmun Friday says this in an article.

The scandal did not occur by chance but it was an inevitable product of the treacherous politics unprecedented in history pursued by Park Geun Hye forsaken by the people, the article notes, and goes on:

It is the most hideous criminal case inevitable due to the unheard-of treacherous politics pursued by Park Geun Hye who has regarded the people as dogs and pigs, deceiving and mocking at them.

Disastrous are consequences of the crimes committed by incompetent Park as she put politics and economy of south Korea and inter-Korean relations into catastrophe by dancing to the tune of a fortune-teller and witch obsessed with swindle and money-making in utter disregard of the people.

Park Geun Hye and the "Saenuri Party" are chiefly to blame for the hideous power-backed scandal and the overall crisis caused by it.

The scandal is not Choe Sun Sil's "individual breach of the constitution" but the crime committed by Park as a main player and the "Saenuri Party" is an accomplice.

It is quite natural that the south Korean people's resentment and anger at Park sparked off an all-people action with the scandal as a momentum.

Those who are hell-bent on acts of treachery, fascism and dictatorship going against the public mind-set cannot but face a miserable end.

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