calendar>>November 20. 2016 Juche 105
Performance of Art Groups Members of Women's Union Given
Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- A performance of national art groups members of the women's union was given at the People's Palace of Culture on Sunday in celebration of the Sixth Congress of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea (DWUK).

Among the audience were the participants in the Sixth Congress of the DWUK.

The performers made a vivid artistic representation of the pride and happy life of the Korean women who have grew up to be the powerful force pushing one of the two wheels of the revolutionary chariot under the care of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu.

The performance began with chorus "Glory to General Kim Jong Un" and "Song of Women". Put on the stage were colorful numbers such as Oungum ensemble "Boundless Is Our Yearning" and accordion and song "Our Dear Marshal".

The performers sang high praises of deep thanks for President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who put forward women as the mistress of the revolution and country and made a new history of respecting women on this land and for Marshal Kim Jong Un who is opening a heyday of the Juche-oriented Korean women's movement.

Quartet "The Masters of This Land Tell", comic story "Our Patriotism" and large chorus and story-telling "We Are Riders of Mallima" were acclaimed by the spectators as they impressively depicted highly spiritual world and revolutionary optimism of the officials and members of the women's union.

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