calendar>>November 21. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Journal "Joson Nyosong (Korean Women)"
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- In a letter to the participants in the Sixth Congress of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea, supreme leader Kim Jong Un said the union should see to it that journal "Joson Nyosong" and other publications are responsive to the policy of the Workers' Party of Korea and edit articles in keeping with the requirements of its members and other women and their aesthetic appreciation, thus making a contribution to educating them.

Journal "Joson Nyosong" with a history of 70 years was founded under the meticulous guidance of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero.

Just after Korea's liberation from Japan's colonial rule, Kim Il Sung wisely guided the founding of a revolutionary publication for the women, regarding it as an important affair, and personally named it "Joson Nyosong".

Kim Jong Suk clearly indicated the way for the journal to follow and its task, meeting with its editors and examining editing programs on several occasions.

The journal had creditably discharged its mission as the organ of the women's union under the guidance of leader Kim Jong Il.

Over the past decades, it has contributed to training the Korean women into reliable pillars pushing one of the two wheels of the revolution.

It deals with such contents as the immortal feats performed by the great persons of Mt. Paektu for the Korean women's movement and scientific and cultural knowledge, data on situation and the history, geography, culture, scenic spots of Korea and its people's customs and heroic struggles.

The journal received the Order of National Flag First Class on the occasion of its 500th issue.

Its 700th issue was published in September this year.

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