calendar>>November 21. 2016 Juche 105
Sci-Tech Achievements Made by Kim Il Sung University
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Teachers and researchers of Kim Il Sung University in the DPRK have recently made a lot of sci-tech achievements conducive to turning the country into an economic and highly-civilized power.

They established a production process of fourth-generation catalyzer for the polymerization of polypropylene at the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex, thus making it possible to ensure the home production of new kinds of fiber products.

The achievements also include the establishment of a nationwide integrated power control system and the development of multi-element compound nutrient solution needed for agriculture.

And the university completed a product quality testing system for the Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory and a sci-tech dissemination system for the Pyongyang Terrapin Farm.

Besides, it made significant contribution to the modernization of the Pyongyang Sports Apparatus Factory and the development of latest medical equipment and facilities.

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