calendar>>November 24. 2016 Juche 105
Letter to Kim Jong Un from Members of Delegation of Korean Democratic Women's Union in Japan
Pyongyang, November 24 (KCNA) -- Marshal Kim Jong Un Tuesday received a letter from the members of a delegation of the Korean Democratic Women's Union in Japan which took part in the Sixth Congress of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea (DWUK).

The letter said the Sixth Congress of the DWUK was a significant one as it demonstrated before the whole world the firm faith and will of the members of the women's union in the motherland and overseas Korean women to protect and glorify the undying ideology and exploits of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu and steadily carry forward the tradition of defending the leader unto death etched in the history of Korean women's movement by the great mothers of Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong Il's Korea and the history of patriotism and loyalty under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

During the Sixth Congress of the DWUK, we deeply cherished the immortal ideology enunciated by the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and undying exploits performed by them in the history of the women's movement of Juche and felt highly proud and honored to live and struggle as overseas women's activists of Marshal Kim Jong Un, the letter noted, and went on:

We deeply grasped the truth that wishes and dreams of all the women and children of the country will come true when they faithfully uphold you.

We will always bear in mind the glory, happiness and valuable mental pabulum we received while staying in the motherland and uphold your ideology and leadership with single-minded loyalty and steadily carry forward the proud history and tradition of the movement of Korean women in Japan, a part of the Korean socialist women's movement.

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