calendar>>November 24. 2016 Juche 105
Seoul Mayor Accuses S. Korean Puppet Group of Defying Public Mindset
Pyongyang, November 24 (KCNA) -- The Seoul mayor denounced the puppet group for defying the public mindset at the "state council meeting" on Nov. 22, according to the south Korean CBS.

At the meeting the chief for legislation and the minister of Justice, etc. chided opposition parties, grumbling that the right to nominate a team for special investigation is not fair after the bill related to the special investigation into Choe Sun Sil was put on the agenda.

Angered by this, the Seoul mayor denounced the chief for legislation for failing to properly understand the public mindset.

When the puppet minister of Defense underscored the need to handle military affairs after the draft agreement on protecting military intelligence with Japan was brought up for discussion and the foreign minister supported the former's assertion and called for its quick clearing, the mayor declared it was very wrong to hastily handle the crucial issue at this grave time and this would leave a shameful blot in history.

The mayor walked out of the meeting place in token of protest.

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