calendar>>November 24. 2016 Juche 105
Organization of Koreans in China Calls for Nationwide Meeting for Reunification
Pyongyang, November 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Zhongnan Regional Association of the General Association of Koreans in China in a statement on Tuesday called on all Koreans to turn out in the drive for nationwide meeting for reunification and pave a wide avenue to peace and reunification of Korea.

All the members of the association will turn out as one in the drive to respect the three principles of national reunification and north-south joint declarations, restore all the valuable results of the June 15 joint declaration as early as possible and dynamically usher in the second June 15 era for independent reunification, the statement said, adding that the association would smash the heinous military moves of the U.S. pushing forward the THAAD deployment in the south of the Korean peninsula and bringing the danger of a nuclear war despite the strong opposition of all Koreans and more powerfully wage the struggle for withdrawal of the U.S. troops from south Korea.

Through the nationwide meeting for reunification involving all the political parties, organizations and individuals in the north, south and overseas, we will turn out as one in the drive to defuse the great danger of war and usher in a new era of national reunification and peace and prosperity, reflecting the general will of the nation, it noted.

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