calendar>>November 24. 2016 Juche 105
Director General of European Department 2 of FM Meets Swedish Ambassador
Pyongyang, November 24 (KCNA) -- The director general of the European Department 2 of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK met with the Swedish ambassador to the DPRK on Thursday and discussed with him the issue of bilateral relations and the issue of visit by consular officer to Canadian citizen Rim Hyon Su who is serving prison term after being sentenced to life hard labor for committing anti-DPRK acts.

As regards the fact that the ambassador raised the issue of visit by consular officer looking after American criminals detained in the DPRK, the director general underlined the principled stand of the DPRK government that all the issues in the relations with the U.S. is dealt with according to the wartime law to cope with the greatest hostile acts of the Obama administration which dared challenge the supreme dignity of the DPRK.

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