calendar>>November 25. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un's Letter Introduced by ACP
Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The gist of "On the Basic Tasks Facing Kim Il Sung University in the New Era of the Juche Revolution", a letter sent by supreme leader Kim Jong Un to the teaching staff and students of Kim Il Sung University on its 70th founding anniversary, was posted on a website by the ACP (news agency of DR Congo) on Nov. 19.

The work, published on Sept. 27, Juche 105 (2016), says that the history of the university, the centre for training native cadres and the highest seat of the Juche-oriented science education, is that of brilliant victories of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il's Juche-based educational idea and theory and their distinguished leadership.

It also clarifies the tasks and ways for the university to fulfill the mission and duty it has assumed for the times and the revolution.

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