calendar>>November 25. 2016 Juche 105
Food Exhibitions Held
Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- The 6th National Exhibition of Liquor and Essential Foodstuff, the National Exhibition of Children's Foodstuff and the 6th Exhibition of Food Products of Provincial General Foodstuff Factories took place at the exhibition hall of mass consumption goods of the Ministry of Food and Consumer Goods Industries of the DPRK Nov. 22-25.

Presented to the exhibition were thousands of varieties of children's foodstuff, liquor, soy sauce, bean paste and cooking oil produced by factories and enterprises across the country.

Various parched-rice powder, milk powder, dozens of confectionary and other new products from the Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory, the Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory, the Sonhung Foodstuff Factory and the Kyonghung Unhasu Foodstuff Factory were highly appreciated.

The participants praised essential foodstuff produced by the Pyongyang, Kaesong and Sinuiju essential foodstuff factories, the Usi Soybean and Sauce Factory, the Maengsan Foodstuff Factory and other units for their good taste and standardization.

Drawing attention of the participants were liquors and makkoli (crude liquor) presented by the Taedonggang Foodstuff Factory, the Pyongyang Liquor Factory, the Kanggye Winery, the Taedonggang Combined Fruit Processing Factory and the Sariwon Kyongam Liquor Factory.

The Songdowon, Paeksonog, Jongbangsan, Amnokgang and Suyangsan general foodstuff factories took the first place at the exhibition of products of provincial general foodstuff factories.

During the exhibitions, there were visits to the model factories of the food industry including the Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory and a workshop of science and technology.

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