calendar>>November 25. 2016 Juche 105
Wangjaesan Art Troupe Performs in Pyongyang
Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- Artistes of the Wangjaesan Art Troupe gave premiere at the East Pyongyang Grand Theater on Friday.

The performance began with music "We Will Go to Mt. Paektu". Put on the stage were colorful numbers reflecting the dynamic advance of the country.

In female chorus "Our Comrade Kim Jong Un", female duet "His Humanity", the performers truthfully represented the boundless reverence for supreme leader Kim Jong Un who covers the road of patriotism for the happiness of the people whom President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il loved so much and records the epic of loving the people.

Female solo and pangchang "It Is Offensive", light music "Higher and Faster," etc. encouraged the audience in their drive to perform the heroic feats at worksites in the spirit of self-development and the spirit of devotedly carrying out the Party's policies.

Tap dance "Youth Days" and "Cheerful Soldier on the Cook's Duty" and national dance "Drum Dance" and other numbers delighted the audience.

The performance ended with epilogue "We'll Travel One Road Forever".

It was enjoyed by Pyongyangites.

The performance will go on.

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