calendar>>November 27. 2016 Juche 105
Advance Meetings and March to Encircle Chongwadae Held in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Large-scale advance meetings reportedly took place in different parts of Seoul City, south Korea, on Nov. 26 before the fifth all-people action to oust traitor Park Geun Hye from office.

A fighting organization grouping members of the Federation of Peasants Associations and the Federation of Women Peasants Associations of south Korea held a meeting at the Park of Sejongro.

The Federation of Women's Organizations grouping more than 30 organizations had a meeting at the same place demanding Park Geun Hye step down.

The Hope of Youth Community in the 21st Century held a meeting on the situation at the Posin Pavilion.

The emergency situation council of professors and researchers of south Korea held a meeting at the Jongro Pavilion and the "revolution of the students of the middle and senior secondary schools" at the Myongdong Station.

The emergency situation council of small and medium-sized businessmen at a meeting said that the Federation of Businessmen representing the interests of big businesses is the greatest accomplice of the recent scandal.

The solidarity of parents of disabled persons held a meeting at the Chonggye Plaza and issued a declaration on the situation.

The situation council of students demanding Park Geun Hye's resignation held a meeting of students in the area of Kwanghwamun Plaza.

The people's emergency action to oust the Park Geun Hye regime held a seminar at the plaza of the Seoul City Office.

Such meetings were also organized by the Minju Party and other opposition parties.

After advance meetings, people from all walks of life started the first march to encircle Chongwadae.

After the march, hundreds of thousands of people gathered at Seoul Square, the main fighting place.

The south Korean Yonhap News reported that 1.5 million people would gather in Seoul in the afternoon of the same day and hold large-scale meetings in different parts of Seoul with more than 1 500 civic and public organizations involved.

Large-scale meetings and demonstrations demanding Park's resignation are to be staged in Taegu, Kwangju, Pusan, South Kyongsang and South Jolla provinces, it said.

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