calendar>>November 28. 2016 Juche 105
Brief History of Fidel Castro Ruz
Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- Fidel Castro Ruz was born in Oriente Province of Cuba on August 13, 1926.

He graduated from a middle school at Santiago de Cuba City and was admitted to Havana University in 1945. And he was called to the bar after graduation of the university.

He took part in the struggle against violence and corruption of the dictatorial regime at home and abroad from 1947 to 1952.

He, together with 165 young men and women students who were armed with the idea against dictatorship, attacked Moncada Barrack, a point of military importance for the Batista dictatorial regime in Santiago de Cuba City, kindling the flames of armed struggle.

He was arrested with more than 100 members who took part in the armed struggle as they failed in the first armed uprising and served prison term on Pinos Island of Cuba (Juventud Island at present).

After his release in May 1955, he organized the "July 26 movement". He went to Mexico as an exile together with his comrades in July 1955 and prepared for guerrilla struggle.

He landed in Oriente Province of Cuba by "Granma" ship with 82 armed fellows from Mexico in December 1956 and staged an armed struggle with Mt. Sierra Maestra as a base.

He finally overturned the dictatorial regime of Batista in January 1959 and achieved the victory of the Cuban revolution.

He was appointed as president of the Council of Ministers in Feb. 1959 and had worked as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba from Oct. 1965.

He was elected and worked as first secretary of the C.C., Communist Party of Cuba from the First Congress to the Fifth Congress of the Party.

He was elected to be president of the Council of State and president of the Council of Ministers of Cuba several times at the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba.

He resigned from his post as president of the Council of State and president of the Council of Ministers at the First Session of the 7th National Assembly of People's Power in Feb. 2008 and from his post as first secretary of the CPC Central Committee at the Sixth Party Congress in April 2011 for the health condition and began writing books.

Fidel Castro Ruz visited the DPRK in March 1986. He met with President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and made great efforts to deepen the militant friendship and friendly and cooperative relations between the peoples of the two countries fighting in the outpost of anti-U.S., anti-imperialist struggle.

He was awarded several orders of the DPRK including the title of DPRK Hero.

He passed away to our sorrow at 10:29 on Nov. 25, 2016.

His feats for the victorious advance in the cause of anti-imperialist independence and socialism and the development of the DPRK-Cuba friendly relations will remain forever.

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