calendar>>November 28. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Warns Japan of Its Revival of Militarism
Pyongyang, November 28 (KCNA) -- Japan decided to give a task for going into urgent action under the "security legislation" to the unit of the Ground "Self-Defense Force" to be dispatched to South Sudan at the ministerial meeting on Nov. 15. According to the "urgent action," it will start its operation from December 12.

This is a part of the reckless moves of the Japanese reactionaries to revive militarism escalating under the signboard of "peace-keeping activities."

Now the Japanese authorities claim that the new task is to "ensure peace and security in the region and it is a new step in the history of Self-Defense Forces (SDF) for international peace-keeping cooperation."

This is a serious mockery of the international community.

Explicitly speaking, Japan has no qualifications to talk about world peace and security.

Japan is the war criminal state which imposed immeasurable misfortune and pain upon mankind in the first half of the last century and caused disastrous consequences to ensuring world peace and security.

Japan is the only country which has not yet sincerely admitted its crimes but evaded its obligation to make reparation to the victims.

Furthermore, Japan is going reckless obsessed with the daydream for becoming "the leader of East" by enforcing a law on war.

Japan expanded the sphere of action of the SDF which had been limited to surrounding areas of Japan to worldwide and made it possible to conduct military actions anywhere under the pretext of military support for the U.S. and other allies by amending the "Japan-U.S. Defence Cooperation Guidelines" and adopting the "security legislation".

The "law on the readjustment of peace and security legislation," one of the main contents of the "security legislation", is paving the way for SDF to join in a war ignited by the U.S. forces and other allied forces anywhere in the world.

That is why the "security legislation" is inviting strong opposition at home and abroad.

The Japanese reactionaries advertise that the "security legislation" is a peace law, but the Japanese people branded it as a law of war and oppose any action pursuant to it.

According to a recent opinion poll conducted by Kyodo News, most of the respondents said "no" to the task for "urgent action" in South Sudan.

Meanwhile, the participants in the rally held in Misawa City, Aomori Prefecture, strongly protested against the dispatch of forces to dangerous strife-torn areas abroad, saying that it is to make the government acquire concessions through war.

This reflects the instable mindset of the Japanese people that Japan would be embroiled in a war again through the revision of the constitution and overseas dispatch of the SDF being pushed forward by the Abe ruling quarters.

The international community neither asks nor wants Japan, which is reviving as an extremely dangerous aggression force and war force, to make contributions to world peace.

The new task for urgent action given to the Ground "Self-Defense Force" is a "new step" for war, not "international peace", revealing the militarist picture of Japan in the reckless moves once again.

The world people should heighten vigilance against Japan's bid to revive militarism, clearly understanding its danger.

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