calendar>>November 29. 2016 Juche 105
Taejon Citizens of S. Korea Stage Actions for Ousting Park Geun Hye
Pyongyang, November 29 (KCNA) -- Taejon citizens of south Korea held their second rally in demand of Park Geun Hye's resignation on Nov. 26 as part of the 5th all-people action, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Tongil News.

More than 40 000 citizens took part in the rally, chanting slogan "Park Geun Hye, Step Down."

Speakers there stressed that the movement for ousting Park is a patriotic movement to set right the wrong politics and defend justice.

And they accused the "Saenuri Party", tycoons, the prosecution, the police, the U.S. and Japan of helping the Park group stay in power.

To oust the Park regime is the only way to scrap all policies enforced by the present regime and eliminate the masterminds of scandals, they contended.

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